Reflexology Refresher

Already a qualified practitioner but need to update your skills? Our refresher course is designed to bring you up to speed with the latest research and practices in essential oil therapy. With online resources and live tutorials, you’ll refresh your knowledge and refine your technique, keeping your practice current.

Key Features:

  • Tailored for qualified therapists
  • Update your knowledge with the latest developments
  • Flexible online study with expert-led tutorials

Returning to a therapy practice after a break can leave you uncertain about what knowledge you may have forgotten. Our Reflexology Refresher Course is designed to help you confidently refresh your skills, covering all the reflexology knowledge section of the National Occupational Standards for Reflexology. The course is delivered in bite-sized modules, allowing you to progress at your own pace. You have the flexibility to focus more time on areas that are less familiar to you and move quickly through topics you’re already comfortable with.


Two tutorials are included in this course.

  1. The first is generally carried out at the start of the course to help you decide how to get the best out of this course.  
  2. The second tutorial is held at the end of the course, where we will thoroughly check your technique, and answer any questions you may have.

Email Support

Email support in available throughout your course, so you do not need to wait until your tutorials to ask any questions you may have.


As part of this course you will be provided with a reflexology workbook. This can be used to document the theory contained in this course. However, as a qualified  therapist you will have produced (a version of) the workbook during your initial course, so may not wish to repeat this exercise (although it would be valuable to complete). Because of this, this course does not include the marking of the workbook but this can be added to the course by agreement with your tutor for an additional fee. 


The theory component is divided into 11 modules, with bitesize resources including videos of all techniques, information sheets and quizzes. The course includes the following modules: 

  • How to use this course
  • All about reflexology, including contra-indications, contra-actions, observations of the feet, finding and feeling reflexes, hand and foot charts including a “treat or not to treat video quiz.”
  • How Reflexology Works: An Overview of 10 Possible Mechanisms Behind Reflexology’s Effects
  • Preparation for your treatments, including the forms you will need, including treatment forms, information about GDPR, reflexology routine, choice of medium to be used during your treatment, and if you don’t already have a cough, advice and buying the one you need.
  • 25 resources, including videos and information sheets on the different techniques used within reflexology
  • Relaxing techniques including videos
  • Adapting treatments, including 10 resources looking at children, pregnant clients and many other ways of adapting treatments
  • Hand reflexology, including videos
  • Aftercare advice for your clients
  • Some useful anatomy and physiology revision, 
  • Additional information including worksheets.

Completing your course

The course must be completed in four months. A Calming Influences certificate of attendance can be issued once the course is complete.

Cost and booking onto the course

This course costs £320. You can book onto this course by clicking here, and once you have created an account on my learning platform you can pay using PayPal.

If you would prefer to pre-register for the course and pay by bank transfer please contact Paul at

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